Carlo Raso:
Church of Annunziata (1760-1782) - Architect Luigi Vanvitelli (Naples 1700-Caserta 1773) - Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Saint Tellurius" - reliquary-bust - Bust: gilded copper about 1598; head: silvery wood end 18th century - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Sepulchre of Alonzo Sanchez de Luna" (1588) by Michelangelo Naccherino (Florence 1550-Naples 1622) - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"The Virgin Mary" (Detail) - wooden sculpture (year 1507) by Pietro Belverte from Bergamo - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Majolica decoration with bright colours running along the lower part of the walls (17th century) - Treasure Chapel in the Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Altar, year 1598 - polychrome marbles - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Saint Ursula" - reliquary-bust - Bust: gilded copper about 1598; head: silvery wood end 18th century - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"The Virgin Mary" - wooden sculpture (year 1507) by Pietro Belverte from Bergamo - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"The Virgin Mary" - wooden sculpture (year 1507) by Pietro Belverte from Bergamo - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Sepulchre of Alonzo Sanchez de Luna" (1588) by Michelangelo Naccherino (Florence 1550-Naples 1622) - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Saint Joseph" - wooden sculpture 19th century - Church of the Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Saint Anne with the Virgin Mary" - wooden sculpture 19th century - Church of the Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"The Deposition from the Cross" by Unknown Neapolitan sculptor 16th century - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Saint Peter" - Wooden and polychrome sculpture, 17th century - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Blind man's recovery" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Jesus Christ and Saint Peter on Galilea sea" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
Announcing Angel - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Virgin Mary and Child" - Wooden and polychrome sculpture, end 14th century, so-called "Mamma chiatta" (=Fat Mum) - Church of Annunziata in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Saint Crispinianus from Soissons - wooden and polychrome sculpture (1507) by Pietro Belverte - Church of Annunziata at Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Entry in Jerusalem" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Jesus and Cripple" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Prophet" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Lazare's Resurrection" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Pentecost" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Jesus and Pharisees" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Freeing of person possessed" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro
Carlo Raso:
"Christ and Samaritan" - The sacresty of Annunziata church in Naples - wooden and gilded sculpture (1577-1580) by Girolamo D'Auria, Salvatore Caccavello and Nunzio Ferraro