Carlo Raso:
Tombstone of the nun Franceschella Carafa (†October 29, 1441) - Monastery of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Tombstone of the nun Franceschella Carafa (†October 29, 1441) - Monastery of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Death image" - Detail of the "Sepulchral monument of the cardinal Pietro Basadonna (Venice 1617-Rome 1684)" (1694) by Filippo Carcani - San Marco Church in Rome
Carlo Raso:
"Death image" - Detail of the "Sepulchral monument of the cardinal Pietro Basadonna (Venice 1617-Rome 1684)" (1694) by Filippo Carcani - San Marco Church in Rome
Carlo Raso:
"Death image" - Detail of the "Sepulchral monument of the cardinal Pietro Basadonna (Venice 1617-Rome 1684)" (1694) by Filippo Carcani - San Marco Church in Rome
Carlo Raso:
"Sepulchral monument of the cardinal Pietro Basadonna (Venice 1617-Rome 1684)" (1694) by Filippo Carcani - San Marco Church in Rome
Carlo Raso:
Funerary portrait of Enrico Spata (†1421) with coat of arms - Cathedral of Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Decapitated head" - polychrome wax, natural hair, glass eyes by unknown Neapolitan artist of second half of 18th century - Exhibition at Capodimonte Museum in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Decapitated head" - polychrome wax, natural hair, glass eyes by unknown Neapolitan artist of second half of 18th century - Exhibition at Capodimonte Museum in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Decapitated head" - polychrome wax, natural hair, glass eyes by unknown Neapolitan artist of second half of 18th century - Exhibition at Capodimonte Museum in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Female figure in decomposition or Vanitas" - wax, wax covered linen modeled while hot, wooden base with black wax (last quater 17th century-beginning 18th century) by unknown artist, Southern Italian School - Capodimonte Museum in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Female figure in decomposition or Vanitas" - wax, wax covered linen modeled while hot, wooden base with black wax (last quater 17th century-beginning 18th century) by unknown artist, Southern Italian School - Capodimonte Museum in Naples
Carlo Raso:
"Crucifixion" (about 1455-1460) by Colantonio (about 1420-Naples after 1460) - Naples, Capodimonte Museum
Carlo Raso:
Skulls (17th century) - Crypt of Santa Marta Church in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Skulls (17th century) - Crypt of Santa Marta Church in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Sepulchre of Lucia Migliaccio (†1826; detail), duchess of Floridia and morganatic wife of the King Ferdinand I Bourbon - Sculptor Tito Angelini (Naples 1806-Naples 1878) - San Ferdinando Church in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Sepulchre of Lucia Migliaccio (†1826), duchess of Floridia and morganatic wife of the King Ferdinand I Bourbon - Sculptor Tito Angelini (Naples 1806-Naples 1878) - San Ferdinando Church in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Artificially deformed skull, from tomb at Collegno / Turin (1st half 6th century AD) at Museum of Turin, now at Archaeological Museum of Naples, Exhibition "The Longobards", up to March 25, 2018
Carlo Raso:
Artificially deformed skull, from tomb at Collegno / Turin (1st half 6th century AD) at Museum of Turin, now at Archaeological Museum of Naples, Exhibition "The Longobards", up to March 25, 2018
Carlo Raso:
Sepulchral portrait of Pedro de Toledo (†1559 at 61 years old ), first Spanish lord of the Sant'Elmo manor in Naples and cousin of the viceroy Pedro de Toledo - Sculptor Annibale Caccavello (Naples 1515-Naples 1570) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castl
Carlo Raso:
Sepulchral portrait of Pedro de Toledo (†1559 at 61 years old ), first Spanish lord of the Sant'Elmo manor in Naples and cousin of the viceroy Pedro de Toledo - Sculptor Annibale Caccavello (Naples 1515-Naples 1570) - Sant'Erasmo Church at Sant'Elmo castl
Carlo Raso:
Funerary tombstone with inscription: "[H]I[C] REQUIESCIT [MA]GNUS PR[ES]B[ITER]"="The Great Presbyter lies here" (1st half 9st century AD) from San Vincenzo al Volturno, Archaeological Museum of Venafro / Isernia / Molise, now at Archaeological Museum of
Carlo Raso:
Tombstone of Gregorius Tribunus, his wife Cali and his sons (10th century AD) from Naples, now at Archaeological Museum of Naples, Exhibition "The Longobards", up to March 25, 2018
Carlo Raso:
"Weeping women with pomegranates, death's symbol" - painted slab of tomb (350 BC) from Paestum - Archaeological Museum of Paestum
Carlo Raso:
"A dead wooman goes up ship with winged hellish figure" - painted slab of a tomb (350 BC) - Archaeological Museum of Paestum
Carlo Raso:
"Office for the dead, with funeral lament around a woman and basket with eggs and pomegranates" - painted slab of a tomb (350-330 BC) - Archaeological Museum of Paestum
Carlo Raso:
"Office for the dead, with funeral lament around a woman and basket with eggs and pomegranates" - painted slab of a tomb (350-330 BC) - Archaeological Museum of Paestum
Carlo Raso:
Eneolithic necropolis of Gaudo / Paestum (half 4th-half 3rd millennium BC) - Archaeological Museum of Paestum
Carlo Raso:
Funerary mask - gilded copper (600 AD) - from Peru / Perù, Lambayeque culture - "The World that wasn't there / Pre-Columbian art in the Ligabue Collections" - Temporary Exhibition, up October 30, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Sepulchral cippus - marble (50-79 AD) from Pompeii, Necropolis of Porta di Stabia - Inscription: "Petacia Montana, who lived 23 years" - Epigraphic Collection - Naples, Archaeological Museum