Carlo Raso: Silver matchs-case with coat-of-arms of Giulio Fabrizio Tomasi, great-grandfather of Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa and inspirer of the "Principe di Salina" of the roman "Il Gattopardo" - Palazzo Lanza Tomasi at Palermo, now at exhibition "Giuseppe Tomasi d
Carlo Raso: Silver cigarettes-case with coat-of-arms of Giulio Fabrizio Tomasi, great-grandfather of Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa and inspirer of the "Principe di Salina" of the roman "Il Gattopardo" - Palazzo Lanza Tomasi at Palermo, now at exhibition "Giuseppe Toma
Carlo Raso: "Silver mirror with Phaedra" - from Pompeii (1st century AD) - Exhibition "Hero" up July 31, 2018 at Archaeological Museum of Naples
Carlo Raso: Procession of the silver statue of the Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception - Head and hands by Giuliano Finelli and Onofrio D'Alessio (1628) - Body by Giacomo Colombo and Tommaso Treglia (1717) - Treasure of Saint January Chapel in Naples
Carlo Raso: Procession of the tabernacle of reliquary shrine of the blood of Saint January (Neapolitan goldsmiths of 2nd half 14th century; upper decoration 17th century) and of gilded silver reliquary-bust of Saint January (French artists: Étienne Godefray, Guillaum
Carlo Raso: "Saint January" (gilded silver bust - French artists: Étienne Godefray, Guillaume de Verdelay, Milet d'Auxerre (1305) - Embroidery 18th century) - Treasure of Saint January in Cathedral of Naples
Carlo Raso: "Silver head of reliquary-bust of Saint Emidius, protector against the earthquakes" (1735) by Gaetano Fumo and Domenico D'Angelo - Treasure of Saint January Chapel in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: "Saint Francesco Caracciolo". Reliquary bust (1843) by G. Russo - Embossed and cast silver, gilt bronze - Treasure of Saint January in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: "Saint Francesco Caracciolo". Reliquary bust (1843) by G. Russo - Embossed and cast silver, gilt bronze - Treasure of Saint January in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: "Silver reliquary bust of female saint" manufactured in Sicily (first half 16th century) - Exhibition at Capodimonte Museum in Naples
Carlo Raso: Silver altar 19th century - Saint January's Treasure in Cathedral of Naples
Carlo Raso: "Saint Paschal Baylon". Reliquary bust (1845) by Vincenzo Caruso - Embossed and cast silver, gilt bronze - Treasure of Saint January in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: Baroque silver reliquaries at Friary of Santa Maria degli Angeli at Assisi
Carlo Raso: Mirror with Leda and swan - silver (augustan age, late 1st century BC-early 1st century AD) from Boscoreale - Paris, Musée du Louvre - Exhibition "Amori Divini" [Divine loves] at Archaeological Museum of Naples
Carlo Raso: Mirror with Leda and swan - silver (augustan age, late 1st century BC-early 1st century AD) from Boscoreale - Paris, Musée du Louvre - Exhibition "Amori Divini" [Divine loves] at Archaeological Museum of Naples
Carlo Raso: Icon of Jesus Christ "Acheropita" (=non made by human hand) made in Rome (5th century) or at Byzantium (6th-7th century) with current face on silk (medieval age) and silver covering (1198-1216) - "Sancta Sanctorum" in Rome
Carlo Raso: Silver locket with profile and coat of arms of Totò (Antonio de Curtis, Naples 1898-Rome 1967) - Exhibition "Totò Genio" in Naples
Carlo Raso: "Saint Augustine" - Silver reliquary bust (1836) by Domenico Capozzi, silversmith – Treasure of Saint January in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: Procession of the tabernacle of reliquary shrine of the blood of Saint January (Neapolitan goldsmiths of 2nd half 14th century; upper decoration 17th century) and of gilded silver reliquary-bust of Saint January (French artists: Étienne Godefray, Guillaum
Carlo Raso: Procession of the tabernacle of reliquary shrine of the blood of Saint January (Neapolitan goldsmiths of 2nd half 14th century; upper decoration 17th century) and of gilded silver reliquary-bust of Saint January (French artists: Étienne Godefray, Guillaum
Carlo Raso: Procession of silver reliquary-busts (17th-20th century) of the Saints in Naples
Carlo Raso: Silver reliquary bust of "Saint Giovan Giuseppe della Croce, Patron of Ischia Island (Ischia 1654-Naples 1734)" - silver sculpture 19th century - Treasure of Saint January Chapel in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: "Head of the silver reliquary-bust of Saint Andrea Avellino" (after 1712) - Treasure of Saint January Chapel in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: "Silver reliquary-bust of Saint Andrea Avellino" (after 1712) - Treasure of Saint January Chapel in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: "Head of silver reliquary-bust of Saint Francesco di Paola" (19th century) - Treasure of Saint January Chapel in Naples
Carlo Raso: Book in Art - Detail of "Saint Dominic", silver-reliquary bust (about 1750-1760) by Giuseppe Sanmartino (Naples 1720-Naples 1793) - Treasure of Saint January at Cathedral of Naples
Carlo Raso: "Castel Sant'Elmo and Chartusian monastery of San Martino in Naples" - Silver detail of reliquary-bust of Saint Emidius, protector against the earthquakes (1735) by Gaetano Fumo and Domenico D'Angelo - Treasure of Saint January Chapel in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: "Silver head of reliquary-bust of Saint Emidius, protector against the earthquakes" (1735) by Gaetano Fumo and Domenico D'Angelo - Treasure of Saint January Chapel in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: "Silver statue of Saint Rita da Cascia" (20th century) - Treasure of Saint January Chapel in Naples Cathedral
Carlo Raso: "Saint Eufebio" - Silver reliquary bust (1672) by Aniello Treglia, silversmith – Treasure of Saint January in Naples Cathedral