Carlo Raso: Equestrian monument to Bartolomeo Colleoni (1481-1488) by Andrea Verrocchio (Florence 1435-Venice 1488) in Venice
Carlo Raso: Marble horse of a fragmentary equestrian statue (1st-2nd century AD) at Pozzuoli amphitheatre
Carlo Raso: Marble horse of a fragmentary equestrian statue (1st-2nd century AD) at Pozzuoli amphitheatre
Carlo Raso: Marble horse of a fragmentary equestrian statue (1st-2nd century AD) at Pozzuoli amphitheatre
Carlo Raso: "The return of Francis" - bronze statue (2006) by Norberto Proietti (Spello 1927-Spello 2009) at Assisi - "Lord, what do you want me to do? 'Go back to your city and you will be told what you must do'. At break of day, Francis, with his reformed inner se
Carlo Raso: "Equestrian statue of the Marshal Armando Diaz" (1934-1936) by Francesco Nagni (Vierbo 1897-Rome 1977) - Seafront of Via Caracciolo in Naples
Carlo Raso: "Equestrian statue of the Marshal Armando Diaz" (1934-1936) by Francesco Nagni (Vierbo 1897-Rome 1977) - Seafront of Via Caracciolo in Naples
Carlo Raso: "Musician horsemen" - Detail of the triumphal arch of Alphonse of Aragon of Castel Nuovo in Naples - Architect Pietro di Martino (?-Naples 1473) - Years: 1453-1471: inspired by triumphal arches of emperor Titus in Rome or of Sergi at Pola - Celebrating: E
Carlo Raso: The King Ferdinand I of Bourbon - equestrian statue by Antonio Calì (Catania 1788-Naples 1866) - Naples, Piazza Plebiscito
Carlo Raso: "Alexander the Great on horse" - Bronze of the Roman period (1st century BC) from the original by Lysippos (4th century BC) - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Charles III (mounted) - bisque porcelain by Filippo Tagliolini (1745-1809) and "Real Fabbrica di Napoli" - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to March 22, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological
Carlo Raso: Detail - Majolica centrepiece with Charles of Bourbon (mounted) - Naples, 1785 - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to March 22, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Alexander the Great on horse" - Bronze of the Roman period (1st century BC) from the original by Lysippus (4th century BC) - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to March 22, 2017 - Napl
Carlo Raso: Horse (Detail) - "Alexander the Great on horse" - Bronze of the Roman period (1st century BC) from the original by Lysippus (4th century BC) - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to Marc
Carlo Raso: "Alexander the Great on horse" - Bronze of the Roman period (1st century BC) from the original by Lysippus (4th century BC) - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to March 22, 2017 - Napl
Carlo Raso: "Huge head of horse of equestrian statue" (1456-1466) by Donatello (Florence 1386-Florence 1466) - from Diomede Carafa palace in Naples - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Huge head of horse of equestrian statue" (1456-1466) by Donatello (Florence 1386-Florence 1466) - from Diomede Carafa palace in Naples - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Huge head of horse of equestrian statue" (1456-1466) by Donatello (Florence 1386-Florence 1466) - from Diomede Carafa palace in Naples - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Huge head of horse of equestrian statue" (1456-1466) by Donatello (Florence 1386-Florence 1466) - from Diomede Carafa palace in Naples - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso: "Equestrian statue of the King Vittorio Emanuele II" by Alfonso Balzico (Cava de' Tirreni / Salerno 1825-Rome 1901) in Naples
Carlo Raso: Equestrian statue of Cosimo I (1594-1598) by Giambologna (Jean de Boulogne, Douai 1529-Florence 1608) in Florence
Carlo Raso: Equestrian statue of Cosimo I (1594-1598) by Giambologna (Jean de Boulogne, Douai 1529-Florence 1608) in Florence
Carlo Raso: Equestrian statue of Cosimo I (1594-1598) by Giambologna (Jean de Boulogne, Douai 1529-Florence 1608) in Florence
Carlo Raso: Equestrian statue of Cosimo I (1594-1598) by Giambologna (Jean de Boulogne, Douai 1529-Florence 1608) in Florence
Carlo Raso: Painted equestrian statue of Giovanni Acuzio (John Hawkwood) english captain (†1434) - Insciption: IOANNES ACUTUS EQUES BRITANNICUS DUX AETATIS SUAE CAUTISSIMUS ET REI MILITARIS PERITISSIMUS HABITUS EST - fresco (1436) by Paolo Uccello (Pratovecchio 1397-
Carlo Raso: Painted equestrian statue of Giovanni Acuzio (John Hawkwood) english captain (†1434) - Inscription: IOANNES ACUTUS EQUES BRITANNICUS DUX AETATIS SUAE CAUTISSIMUS ET REI MILITARIS PERITISSIMUS HABITUS EST - fresco (1436) by Paolo Uccello (Pratovecchio 1397
Carlo Raso: Painted equestrian statue of Niccolò da Tolentino (Niccolò Maruzzi) - Inscription: HIC QUEM SUBLIMEM IN EQUO PICTUM CERNIS NICOLAUS TOLENTIAS EST INCLITUS DUX FLORENTIE EXERCITUS - fresco (1455-1456) by Andrea del Castagno (Castagno about 1421-Florence 14
Carlo Raso: Painted equestrian statue of Niccolò da Tolentino (Niccolò Maruzzi) - Inscription: HIC QUEM SUBLIMEM IN EQUO PICTUM CERNIS NICOLAUS TOLENTIAS EST INCLITUS DUX FLORENTIE EXERCITUS - fresco (1455-1456) by Andrea del Castagno (Castagno about 1421-Florence 14
Carlo Raso: "Equestrian statue of the King Vittorio Emanuele II" (1888-1901) by Enrico Chiaradia and Emilio Gallori - "Vittoriano" or "Altare della Patria" in Rome
Carlo Raso: Detail - The King Charles of Bourbon (1734-1759), after Carlos III of Spain - equestrian statue (1807-1819) by Antonio Canova - Naples, Piazza Plebiscito