Carlo Raso:
Medal for rebuilding of San Carlo Theatre in Naples (after fire) dated January 12, 1817 - Inscription: CAROL[US] III FUND[AVIT] / FERD[INANDUS] I REST[ITUIT] / SUSCEPTORE BARBAJA / NICCOLINI ARCHITECTO - DIE XII JAN[UARII] / MDCCCXVII - Exhibition "Rossin
Carlo Raso:
Silver locket with profile and coat of arms of Totò (Antonio de Curtis, Naples 1898-Rome 1967) - Exhibition "Totò Genio" in Naples
Carlo Raso:
Nobiliary decorations of Totò (Antonio de Curtis, Naples 1898-Rome 1967) - Exhibition "Totò Genio", up to February 18, 2018 at Museo di Roma in Trastevere
Carlo Raso:
"Still life with piles and bags of coins, parchement rolls and writing tablets" - wall painting from Pompeii, from the house of Julia Felix (before 79 AD) - Naples Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Gold coin with profile of Constantinus (Treviri, 313-315 AD) - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Gold coin with profile of Julia Soaemias (218-222 AD), mother of emperor Eliogabalus - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
"Circus Maximus" in Rome - Coin (sesterce) of Trajan (103-111 AD) - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Domitian consul under Vespasian - gold coin (Rome, 73 AD) - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Head of emperor Nero and "Macellum Magnum" (=Great Market) - Rome, 64 AD - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin with head of emperor Constant (340-347 AD) - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Gold coin of the emperor Valentinianus (Ravenna, 425-455 AD): profile and Victory - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coins: 1) Rome: Marcus Iunius Brutus, with head of Liberty and Brutus between two lictors (54 BC) - 2) Gold coinage of Caesar with female head (48-47 BC) - 3) Coinage of Caesar with trophy (48-47 BC) - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin (44 BC): L. Aemilius Buca, M. Mettius, P. Sepullius Macer, C. Cossutius - Symbols: Fasces, Caduceus, Axis, Globe, Dextrarum iunctio [handshake] - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Model for the medal celebrating the laying of the cornerstone of the Royal Palace of Caserta, with profiles of the King Charles of Bourbon and the Queen Maria Amalia of Saxonia - wax (1752) by Ermenegildo Hamerani - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos
Carlo Raso:
Silver medal celebrating the birth of Prince Ferdinand (1751) with profiles of the King Charles of Bourbon and the Queen Maria Amalia of Saxonia - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to
Carlo Raso:
"Silver medal celebrating the marriage of Charles of Bourbon and Maria Amalia of Saxony" (1738) - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to March 22, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
"Silver medal celebrating the coronation of Charles of Bourbon in Palermo" (1735) - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to March 22, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
"Silver coin with profile of Charles of Bourbon and Eagle" (The Mint of Palermo, 1735) - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to March 22, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Silver coin with Sebetus River and smoking Vesuvius - Bourbon coat-of-arms (1735) - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to March 22, 2017 - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
"Silver medal celebrating the establishment of Castrense art" (1751) by Giovanni Casimiro De Gennaro (informations 1734-68) - Exhibition "Charles of Bourbon [Carlos III] and the diffusion of Antiquities: Naples, Madrid, Mexico" up to March 22, 2017 - Napl
Carlo Raso:
Knight's Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Francis I of Bourbon (after 1829) belonged to Salvatore Fergola (Naples 1796-Naples 1874) - silk, gilded metal and enamel (Neapolitan Manufacture) - Exhibition "Fergola. Lo splendore di un Regno", up to April 2,
Carlo Raso:
Silver coin of Syracuse (between 270 and 215 BC) with head of Ieron II (Syracuse about 308-Syracuse 215 BC) - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin of Syracuse (end 5th century BC) - Head of the Nymph Arethusa between the dolphins - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin of Syracuse (Dionysius I: 405-367 BC) - Head of the Nymph Arethusa between the dolphins; Quadriga and wheel - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin of Syracuse (Dionysius I: 405-367 BC) - Head of the Nymph Arethusa between the dolphins; Quadriga and weapons - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin of Metaponto with ear of wheat (540-510 BC) - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin of Neapolis / Naples with head of Apollo and bull with human head and Nike (270-250 BC) - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin of Neapolis / Naples with head of Apollo and bull with human head (340-320 BC) - Inscription NEOΠOΛI - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin of Neapolis / Naples with head of Athene and bull with human head (end 5th century BC) - Inscription NEOΠOΛI - Naples, Archaeological Museum
Carlo Raso:
Coin of Neapolis / Naples with head of Athene (420-400 BC) - Naples Archaeological Museum