Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): Called "Cloud Gate"
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): "The Bean" looks this way by maximum aperture
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): Almost as colourless as the air
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): Spring-time only
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): The place where I usually start a day in Chicago.
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): Discovering new angles is fun!
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): Early in the morning before this place gets crowded.
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): The usual crowdness
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): From the sidewalk
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): Crooked skyline
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): Inside of "The Bean"
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): This gigantic mirror reflects everything
Yuki (8-ballmabelleamie): When The Bean looks fused with the sky