hanne thøger: Searching for the Light in October ~ Explored ~ Thanks
hanne thøger: Today I Shot a Beauty ~ Explored ~ Ten Thousand Thanks;)
hanne thøger: Scream? (explored)
hanne thøger: 1-1-IMG_4833-001 (explored)
hanne thøger: Ready for Spring (explored)
hanne thøger: Tribute to My Shamrock (explored)
hanne thøger: Autumn Leaves ~ Explored ~ Thank You!
hanne thøger: Field of Red Poppies (explored)
hanne thøger: Detail (Explored) ~Thank you everyone!
hanne thøger: IMG_2941 - (explored)
hanne thøger: IMG_2846 (explored)
hanne thøger: Lilac Tree in Purple (explored)
hanne thøger: IMG_2269-001
hanne thøger: IMG_2499-001 (explored)
hanne thøger: Wet n Red (Explored) Thank You Very Much!
hanne thøger: Greetings From Spider Woman in Pink Mood (explored)
hanne thøger: What if... (explored)
hanne thøger: Like a Ruby Butterfly (explored)
hanne thøger: My Shamrock (explored)
hanne thøger: There's Always a Light, d'You Hear? (Explored)
hanne thøger: Moving to the City ~ Explored ~Thank you very much!
hanne thøger: Before the Banquet (Explored)
hanne thøger: Leavings (explored)
hanne thøger: Quiet Bouganvillea (explored)
hanne thøger: IMG_2794-003 (explored)
hanne thøger: IMG_2652
hanne thøger: IMG_2498-001
hanne thøger: Hidden Highway (explored)
hanne thøger: Walking the Lakes in Neon (explored)
hanne thøger: IMG_4767 (explored)