6PPC: Who`s behind bars?? Me or the ducks?
6PPC: Food,food,food
6PPC: Grey heron
6PPC: Blue titmouse/Blåmeis(Cyanistes caeruleus)
6PPC: Handsome???
6PPC: One more time!
6PPC: I`ll do it!
6PPC: Wow, great! I`ll think I need a bath?
6PPC: First geese (Kortnebbgås)(Pink-footed Goose) this spring
6PPC: Grey heron with a stick
6PPC: Chaffinch / Bokfink (Fringilla coelebs) female
6PPC: Hey there!!!
6PPC: Trane / Common Crane (Grus grus)
6PPC: Røy (Tetrao urogallus) Capercaillie hen
6PPC: Stær / Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
6PPC: And (duck)
6PPC: Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
6PPC: Ringed Plover / Sandlo (Charadrius hiaticula)
6PPC: Gråtrost / Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)
6PPC: My little friend in the cherrytree!
6PPC: A little rest before delivery
6PPC: Sittin` on the rock by the ...........
6PPC: Cherry thief in my garden
6PPC: Wet starling
6PPC: Cherry thief
6PPC: Canada goose
6PPC: Spotted Nutcracker / Sibirsk Nøttekråke (Nucifraga caryocatactes)
6PPC: Mom and 4 young ones
6PPC: Great Spotted Woodpecker,Flaggspett (Dendrocopos major)
6PPC: Blue Tit, Blåmeis (Cyanistes caeruleus)