hiace555: 水道橋・飯田橋間
hiace555: 新宿 百人町
hiace555: 東池袋
hiace555: 浅草寺近辺
hiace555: 花園五番街(新宿)Hanazono Fifth street (Sinjuku Tokyo) , which used to be an area of illegal prostitution about 70 years ago . But it is keeping nice, attractive, decadent mood.
hiace555: 花園神社の狛犬。Hanazono shrine. A Komainu(stone guardian animal at the gate of a shrine) is shut in wire box. The shrine is located in the center of a biggest amusement area in Japan. So Komainu is guarded from drunken people who play trick on it, I guess.
hiace555: Hanazono Fifth street 新宿 歌舞伎町 ゴールデン街
hiace555: Tokyo inside ? (ゴールデン街)
hiace555: Under elevated motorways 首都高下
hiace555: Under elevated motorways 雑司が谷
hiace555: Umbrellas
hiace555: 三菱一号館美術館
hiace555: 三菱一号館美術館
hiace555: Near the Tokyo station 東京駅近く
hiace555: Near the Tokyo station
hiace555: Near the Tokyo station
hiace555: Near the Tokyo station
hiace555: 自転車 bicycle
hiace555: さざ波 ripples
hiace555: 西新宿(東京都新宿区)
hiace555: 国立新劇場(東京都新宿区)
hiace555: 西新宿(東京都新宿区)
hiace555: 小田急線高架下(東京都新宿区)
hiace555: BVLGARI(東京都中央区)
hiace555: Tsukiji
hiace555: Tsukiji
hiace555: Tsukiji
hiace555: Shinjuku
hiace555: 1:49
hiace555: Snow White in Akihabara,Tokyo