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Kenya Birds by JB Barton
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JB Barton
MOTHER - Vulturine Guineafowl - Mpala Ranch, Rift Valley , Kenya
JB Barton
a rescue of Vulturine Guineafowl chick that was caught in spider webs as mother was franticly watching !! mom in next photo...
JB Barton
Blue-napped Mousebird - Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Greater Blue-eared Starling - Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Common Greenshank - Mpala Ranch, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Red-billed Duck - Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Fork-tailed Drongo - Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Three-banded Plover - Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
African Hawk-Eagles - Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
African Gray Flycatcher - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Abyssinian Roller - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Mourning Collared-Dove - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Eastern Violet-backed Sunbird - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
White-headed Buffalo-Weaver - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
this Goshawk move so quickly this all I could get!
JB Barton
Rufous Chatterer - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Common Bulbul - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Common Greenshank - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Striated Heron - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Rufous-crowned Roller - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Nubian Woodpecker - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Parrot billed Sparrow - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Nightjar (unknown specie ) - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Rufous Crowned Roller - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Red and Yellow Barbet - Turkana Institution, Rift Valley, Kenya
JB Barton
Variable Sunbird - Nairobi, Kenya
JB Barton
Abyssinion Thrush - Nairobi, Kenya
JB Barton
White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher -Nairobi NP, Kenya
JB Barton
Streaky Seedeater - Nairobi NP, Kenya
JB Barton
Red-crowned Widowbird - Nairobi NP, Kenya
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