the Raossance: Sve_ _?? Sketch in the works, can any one guess!
the Raossance: Good times!
the Raossance: texas quickie!
the Raossance: gotta go minimalism!
the Raossance: board at work
the Raossance: tag collection..
the Raossance: revised ..
the Raossance: tag collection..
the Raossance: old sketch
the Raossance: raossance jesus early 07
the Raossance: corazon regalado
the Raossance: the raossance
the Raossance: last year in texas
the Raossance: raossance man.
the Raossance: new year
the Raossance: raos in a hours time!
the Raossance: terms raos do LA!
the Raossance: raos trav dame!
the Raossance: mel throws cali!!!