gumdrop98102: Currency stamp 009
gumdrop98102: Currency stamp 006
gumdrop98102: Currency stamp 008
gumdrop98102: Currency stamp 005
gumdrop98102: Currency stamp 007
gumdrop98102: Lucky bill serial!
gumdrop98102: Currency stamp 012
gumdrop98102: The highlight of a day of errands
gumdrop98102: Boner Bill
gumdrop98102: Currency stamp 011
gumdrop98102: Currency stamp 013
gumdrop98102: Currency stamp 010
gumdrop98102: Got this as change at Broadway/Denny post office
gumdrop98102: Canadian dime found on parking kiosk.
gumdrop98102: Mystery currency markings.
gumdrop98102: Stamp.
gumdrop98102: Bank stamp!
gumdrop98102: Change at Westlake Bartell's
gumdrop98102: Somebody was practicing their calligraphy maybe
gumdrop98102: TMM + 80s movie workout montage duck
gumdrop98102: JR + King
gumdrop98102: Mercantil Commercebank
gumdrop98102: Two wilds!
gumdrop98102: Bus fare bear.