*baxter*: 76-80 Southwark Street
*baxter*: Print shop, Covent Garden
*baxter*: Blue reflection
*baxter*: Finance building, Blackfriars
*baxter*: London Bridge railway
*baxter*: 197 Blackfriars Road
*baxter*: Dollars
*baxter*: Blackfriars Bridge Road
*baxter*: Apartments near the Tate Modern
*baxter*: Greenwich Park wedding picture
*baxter*: Greenwich Park: the old observatory
*baxter*: Greenwich Park, looking towards Canary Wharf
*baxter*: Sainsbury's building, Ludgate Circus
*baxter*: I think they sell shoes
*baxter*: Friars Bridge Court
*baxter*: Rainy Saturday
*baxter*: Watching
*baxter*: Waterloo Bridge
*baxter*: Colours
*baxter*: Hungerford pedestrian bridge
*baxter*: Queen's House, East End, Greenwich
*baxter*: Queen's House, West End, Greenwich
*baxter*: Couple/de-couple
*baxter*: Time