ian hurst of mansfield:
Eastern Dappled White. (Euchioe ausonia) 1
ian hurst of mansfield:
Balkan Marbled White. (Melanargia larissa)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Thred-winged Lacewing. (Nemoptera bipennis)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Swallowtail.(Papilio machaon)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Swallowtail. (Papilio machaon)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Southern White Admiral, (Limenitis reducta)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Southern White Admiral. (Limenitis reducta)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Antlion Wing. Palpares libelluloides.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Adult Antlion.
ian hurst of mansfield:
ian hurst of mansfield:
Small Blue.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Holly Blue (Egglaying)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Lulworth Skipper.(Thymelicus acteon)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Levantine Skipper. (Thymelicus hyrax)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Eastern Baton Blue. (Pseudophilotes vicrama) Revised ID.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Persian Meadow Brown.(Maniola telmessia)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Sloe Hairstreak. (Satyrium acaciae)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Turkish Meadow Brown. (Maniola megala)
ian hurst of mansfield:
Cyprus Grayling.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Clouded Yellow.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Lesser Fiery Copper
ian hurst of mansfield:
Lesser Fiery Copper.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Lesser Fiery Copper.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Painted Lady.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Painted Lady.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Wall Butterfly.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Common Blue.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Common Blue.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Common Blue. Female.
ian hurst of mansfield:
Common Blue. Male.