Egisto Sani: Athena’s Birth: the earliest picture
Egisto Sani: Herakles and Α Θ H Ν Α Ι Α
Egisto Sani: Athena Bust
Egisto Sani: Athena vs. Enkelados
Egisto Sani: Gigantomachy
Egisto Sani: Three Gods and Heracles vs eight Giants
Egisto Sani: Exekias' Masterwork
Egisto Sani: The Madrid Painter
Egisto Sani: The Madrid Painter
Egisto Sani: Athena is about to leave - I
Egisto Sani: Athena is about to leave - II
Egisto Sani: Athena
Egisto Sani: Potters Glorification - I
Egisto Sani: Potters Glorification - III
Egisto Sani: Potters Glorification - II
Egisto Sani: Potters Glorification - IV
Egisto Sani: Athena “Ergane”, Mistress of Arts - II
Egisto Sani: Athena “Ergane”, Mistress of Arts - I
Egisto Sani: Athena “Ergane”, Mistress of Arts - IV
Egisto Sani: Ovid: Flying Youths, Ikarus - “Love, Myths and Other Stories” – LIII
Egisto Sani: Ovid: Flying Youths, Ikarus - “Love, Myths and Other Stories” – LIV
Egisto Sani: Athena “Ergane”, As Architect - III
Egisto Sani: The Alkimachos Painter: Hermes and Athena – IV
Egisto Sani: Paris Judgment
Egisto Sani: A Meeting of Gods
Egisto Sani: Paris’ Judgment
Egisto Sani: Paris’ Judgment II
Egisto Sani: Paris’ Judgment I
Egisto Sani: Κύπρια - Cypria, the Epic Poem.
Egisto Sani: Κύπρια - Cypria, the Epic Poem.