Egisto Sani: Eos and Kephalos by The Achilles Pinter
Egisto Sani: Type of Thetis bringing armor to Achilles by The Achilles Painter
Egisto Sani: Achilles by The Achilles Painter- I
Egisto Sani: Achilles by The Achilles Painter- II
Egisto Sani: Achilles by The Achilles Painter- III
Egisto Sani: Briseis by The Achilles Painter
Egisto Sani: To Diphilos the awesome son of Melanopos - I
Egisto Sani: Two Muses on Mount Helicon II
Egisto Sani: Two Muses on Mount Helicon III
Egisto Sani: Two Muses on Mount Helicon I
Egisto Sani: The Ashmolean Museum Lekythoi Collection II
Egisto Sani: Woman playing a Kithara
Egisto Sani: A woman at stele
Egisto Sani: A wreath for the deceased
Egisto Sani: Hygiainon is handsome
Egisto Sani: Hygiainon is handsome
Egisto Sani: A Youth and his Eidolon
Egisto Sani: A Youth and his Eidolon - I
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - I
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - II
Egisto Sani: Achilles Painter - III
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - IV
Egisto Sani: To Diphilos the awesome son of Melanopos - II
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - I: Warrior’s departure.
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - II: Warrior’s departure
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - III: Warrior’s departure
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - IV: Ephebe's departure
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - V: “Mistress and Maid’
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - VI: “Mistress and Maid’
Egisto Sani: The Achilles Painter - VII: “Mistress and Maid’