Egisto Sani: Kouros I, 600 - 590 BC
Egisto Sani: Kouros II, 600 - 590 BC
Egisto Sani: Kouros III, 600 - 590 BC
Egisto Sani: Sphinx - I
Egisto Sani: Sphinx - II
Egisto Sani: Sphinx - III
Egisto Sani: Archaic Marker I
Egisto Sani: Archaic Marker II
Egisto Sani: High Archaic Greece - XXXV: Boxer
Egisto Sani: High Archaic Greece - XXXVI: Boxer
Egisto Sani: Funerary Base for a Kouros: Ball-players
Egisto Sani: Eupheros A Future Athlete Dead In His Fifteens - I
Egisto Sani: Eupheros A Future Athlete Dead In His Fifteens - II
Egisto Sani: Eupheros A Future Athlete Dead In His Fifteens - III
Egisto Sani: The stele of Dexileos - I
Egisto Sani: Stele of Ampharete and her grandchild - II
Egisto Sani: Stele of Ampharete and her grandchild - I
Egisto Sani: Funerary Base for a Kouros: Horsemen Parade
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LG Kantharos
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LG Mug
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LG Stand
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LG Oinochoe
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LGP Basket-shaped amphora
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LG JUG
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LG JUG
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LG JUG
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LGP Pottery: Mourners
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LGP Pottery: Funeral Race
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LGP Pottery: Funeral Parade
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LGP Pottery: Pyxis for a child