Egisto Sani: Analatos Painter: Loutrophoros
Egisto Sani: Analatos Painter: Loutrophoros
Egisto Sani: Greeks in Italy – XII: Four magnificent vases.
Egisto Sani: Greeks in Italy – XXI: Conversation in the garden
Egisto Sani: Greeks in Italy – XXII: Lycurgus vs Dionysos
Egisto Sani: Greeks in Italy – XXIII: Apulian Loutrophoros
Egisto Sani: Greeks in Italy – XXIII: Apulian Loutrophoros
Egisto Sani: Funerary loutrophoros: “Prothesis” Scenes
Egisto Sani: Athens ANM 1170 - III: Loutrophoros with “Prothesis” Scenes
Egisto Sani: Athens ANM 1170 - II: Loutrophoros with “Prothesis” Scenes
Egisto Sani: Athens ANM 1170 - I: Loutrophoros with “Prothesis” Scenes
Egisto Sani: Loutrophoros: Funerary Mourning
Egisto Sani: Love Kiss
Egisto Sani: Geometric Kerameikos - LGP Pottery: Mourners
Egisto Sani: Archaic Loutrophoros