Egisto Sani: Meleager, the hero of Calydon
Egisto Sani: Meleager, the hero of Calydon
Egisto Sani: Meleager, the hero of Calydon
Egisto Sani: The Iliupersis krater V:Meleager
Egisto Sani: The Myth of Meleager I
Egisto Sani: The Myth of Meleager II
Egisto Sani: The Myth of Meleager
Egisto Sani: The Myth of Meleager
Egisto Sani: The Myth of Meleager
Egisto Sani: The Myth of Meleager
Egisto Sani: 3) François Vase, side A: Patroklos' funeral games
Egisto Sani: The Necropolis of the “Via Triumphalis” – XXXI
Egisto Sani: The Necropolis of the “Via Triumphalis” – XXXII
Egisto Sani: Draped female statue
Egisto Sani: The Calydonian Hunt
Egisto Sani: Meleager, The Heroic Hunter I
Egisto Sani: Meleager, The Heroic Hunter II
Egisto Sani: Ovid: Meleager - “Love, Myths and Other Stories” – XLIII
Egisto Sani: Ovid: Meleager - “Love, Myths and Other Stories” – XLIV
Egisto Sani: Ovid: Meleager - “Love, Myths and Other Stories” – XLV
Egisto Sani: Ovid: Meleager - “Love, Myths and Other Stories” – XLVI
Egisto Sani: Ovid: Meleager - “Love, Myths and Other Stories” – XL
Egisto Sani: Ovid: Meleager - “Love, Myths and Other Stories” – XLI
Egisto Sani: Ovid: Meleager - “Love, Myths and Other Stories” – XLII