Egisto Sani: The Judgment of Paris
Egisto Sani: Beauty Contest
Egisto Sani: The Boccanegra Plaques
Egisto Sani: Paris’ Judgment II
Egisto Sani: Paris’ Judgment I
Egisto Sani: *** Olpe Chigi [side A] – VI ***
Egisto Sani: Achilles and the daughters of Lycomedes
Egisto Sani: The Epiphany of Achilles “à l’ancienne" - I
Egisto Sani: The Epiphany of Achilles - II
Egisto Sani: The Epiphany of Achilles - III
Egisto Sani: The Epiphany of Achilles - IV
Egisto Sani: Achilles Sarcophagus - The Frieze I
Egisto Sani: Achilles Sarcophagus - The Frieze II
Egisto Sani: Achilles Sarcophagus - The Frieze III
Egisto Sani: Achilles Sarcophagus - The Frieze IV
Egisto Sani: Achilles Sarcophagus - The Frieze V
Egisto Sani: Greek embassy to Troy
Egisto Sani: Greek embassy to Troy
Egisto Sani: The Cypria Poem – The ambush of Troilus
Egisto Sani: The Cypria Poem – The ambush of Troilus
Egisto Sani: The Cypria Poem – The Ambush of Troilus
Egisto Sani: Polyxena
Egisto Sani: Polyxena
Egisto Sani: Achilles ambushing Troilus
Egisto Sani: Achilles ambushing Troilus
Egisto Sani: The Cypria Poem – The ambush of Troilus
Egisto Sani: The Cypria Poem – The ambush of Troilus
Egisto Sani: The Cypria Poem – Troilus’ murder
Egisto Sani: 5) The François Vase, side A: Achilles’ ambush on Troilus
Egisto Sani: 6) François Vase, side A: The marriage of Thetis and Peleus.