foxxy_paramedic: shrimping on galveston bay
foxxy_paramedic: pretty blue and white birds at moody gardens
foxxy_paramedic: pretty bird at moody gardens
foxxy_paramedic: shrimping on galveston bay 2
foxxy_paramedic: surf in galveston
foxxy_paramedic: seagull on post
foxxy_paramedic: fishing near seawolf park2
foxxy_paramedic: Cody's pelicans and shrimp boat
foxxy_paramedic: Dolphin bobbing
foxxy_paramedic: Cody's pelican
foxxy_paramedic: dolphins in galveston
foxxy_paramedic: rainbow on gulf
foxxy_paramedic: Scarlet McCaw at Moody Gardens
foxxy_paramedic: dolphin mom and calf
foxxy_paramedic: posing iguana
foxxy_paramedic: IMG_2350
foxxy_paramedic: IMG_1975