Harvestman at Large:
Bee resting on cliff
Harvestman at Large:
Holding on tight
Harvestman at Large:
What's in here?
Harvestman at Large:
Hornets leaving the hive
Harvestman at Large:
Wasp with tomato sauce
Harvestman at Large:
Bombus monticola
Harvestman at Large:
Bilberry bumblebee, Bombus monticola
Harvestman at Large:
Upland bumble bee on cliff
Harvestman at Large:
Garden spider with wasp prey
Harvestman at Large:
Wasp gathering wood fibres
Harvestman at Large:
Bombus terrestris - laden down
Harvestman at Large:
Harvestman at Large:
Sunny side up
Harvestman at Large:
Social wasps
Harvestman at Large:
Two wasps
Harvestman at Large:
Cuckoo bee
Harvestman at Large:
Cuckoo bee (2)
Harvestman at Large:
Cuckoo bee (3)
Harvestman at Large:
Wasp raiding spider web
Harvestman at Large:
Bombus lapidarius on teasel
Harvestman at Large:
Wood ants on leaf litter
Harvestman at Large:
Carder bee on bird's foot trefoil
Harvestman at Large:
Wet and bee-draggled
Harvestman at Large:
Wood ants at work
Harvestman at Large:
Honeybee in focus
Harvestman at Large:
Bee licking
Harvestman at Large:
Another unidentified wasp
Harvestman at Large:
Wasp collecting wood fibres
Harvestman at Large:
Common carder bee on vetch
Harvestman at Large:
Upset ants