Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC7191 _ Golden Eagle in flight
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC7786 _ Golden Eagle
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC6666 _Golden Eagle with prey
ericnzhou: Cobalt-winged Parakeet
ericnzhou: Magpie Tanager
E_Rick1502: Red-tailed Hawk
mkeoouic16: C49I7288_VF_DxO
fifty3_photography: Black-billed Magpie
mythungoc: IMG_1181-SomewhereInArchesNP-small
MyKeyC: Swamphen
markvcr: Dunlin
Bruno Conjeaud: Long-toed Lapwing
Rudy578: Red-tailed Hawk
Bob Gunderson: American Bison Foraging in the Snow
ericnzhou: Western Screech Owl
maguire33@verizon.net: Wild Berries 8982
Thy Photography: Northern Pygmy Owl
TQTran: Invading Creek Street - Explored
arvind agrawal: Merry Christmas - IMG_8233
mythungoc: DSCF9697-CombinedEffort-small
Quang An: Golden Eagle
Bruno Conjeaud: White-bellied Go-away-bird
Bruno Conjeaud: Leopard by night (Very high Iso !!!)
Bob Gunderson: Hooded Mergansers
ericnzhou: Peruvian Racket-tail
fifty3_photography: Golden Eagle
mythungoc: DSCF9745-PerchingBEinHikey-small
fifty3_photography: Successful hunt in rain and fog
maguire33@verizon.net: American White Pelican 2102