yamakimatsuki: I can play the guitar! - Matthew Bellamy
yamakimatsuki: I got none of these picks! Though, I don't think he tossed any.
yamakimatsuki: Matt Bellamy
yamakimatsuki: Dom is hiding behind the giant clear kit.
yamakimatsuki: Beetchie would say, "what is up with the hair?!"
yamakimatsuki: I can play the guitar AND the piano!
yamakimatsuki: A prison suit? Maybe.
yamakimatsuki: Megaphones and Feeling Good
yamakimatsuki: Megaphones and Feeling Good 2
yamakimatsuki: Pre Megaphone
yamakimatsuki: My guitar is custom made and awesome.
yamakimatsuki: CIMG0366
yamakimatsuki: Love Me
yamakimatsuki: What's with the chain, Bells?
yamakimatsuki: The Cloud Room guitaristb