gronours_the_muffin_man: young pheaseant running away
gronours_the_muffin_man: Mr peacock portrait
gronours_the_muffin_man: heron makes you want to fly
gronours_the_muffin_man: cute baby swan (chateau de sauvage)
gronours_the_muffin_man: flamingos (chateau de sauvage)
gronours_the_muffin_man: flamingos (chateau de sauvage)
gronours_the_muffin_man: flamingo's hard life ! (chateau de sauvage)
gronours_the_muffin_man: time to show off (chateau de sauvage)
gronours_the_muffin_man: flexible bird (chateau de sauvage)
gronours_the_muffin_man: framed view (chateau de sauvage)
gronours_the_muffin_man: Happy swan (chateau de sauvage)
gronours_the_muffin_man: just a duck (parc messonier)
gronours_the_muffin_man: this duck is dreaming ...
gronours_the_muffin_man: who's the boss ?
gronours_the_muffin_man: is that going to fit ?
gronours_the_muffin_man: very rare mandarin duck :-)
gronours_the_muffin_man: swimming dogs forbidden
gronours_the_muffin_man: mésange bleue
gronours_the_muffin_man: tawny frogmouth
gronours_the_muffin_man: cockatoo (hamilton island)
gronours_the_muffin_man: mandarin duck, happy new year to you all !