twoodburn2001: Trailhead to Gimli Peak
twoodburn2001: Camp below Gimli Peak.
twoodburn2001: Sheer face of Gimli Peak
twoodburn2001: Camp below Gimli
twoodburn2001: Mulvey Basin
twoodburn2001: GB at Gimli Peak col
twoodburn2001: Mulvey Basin
twoodburn2001: Lowering packs
twoodburn2001: Off the cliff, Gimli Pass
twoodburn2001: Descending the glacier to Mulvey Basin, Gimli Peak in bkd
twoodburn2001: Cliff and glacier descent route into Mulvey Basin
twoodburn2001: Descending the glacier to Mulvey Basin
twoodburn2001: Gimli Pass
twoodburn2001: Loose rock and granite slab ascent out of Mulvey Basin
twoodburn2001: Upper Mulvey Lake
twoodburn2001: Flower display, Mulvey Basin
twoodburn2001: Base camp in Mulvey Basin, Gimli Peak in bkd.
twoodburn2001: Tdub in Mulvey Basin
twoodburn2001: Granite slabs, Mulvey Lake
twoodburn2001: Mulvey Lake evening
twoodburn2001: Grouse above Mulvey Lake
twoodburn2001: Tdub in Mulvey Basin
twoodburn2001: Mulvey Lake
twoodburn2001: Above Mulvey Basin, Gimli in background
twoodburn2001: Aasgard Peak, Mulvey Basin
twoodburn2001: Dag peak and Mulvey Meadows