dpatt70: Ghost Nebula
dpatt70: Manitoulin Timelapse Sept 2018
dpatt70: a night of imaging under faint aurora on Manitoulin island
dpatt70: Late summer imaging under the Milky Way on Manitoulin Island 2018
dpatt70: NGC 6946
dpatt70: ldn 1082
dpatt70: M31
dpatt70: Tiny Marsh Timelapse2 Nov 2017
dpatt70: Tiny Marsh Timelapse Nov 2017
dpatt70: NGC 67 - 72 galaxy group
dpatt70: Asteroid 25 Phocaea
dpatt70: NGC 3079 and the Twin Quasar QSO 0957+561 A/B
dpatt70: Lagoon and Trifid widefield
dpatt70: Quasar 1634+706
dpatt70: Abell 2218 galaxy cluster
dpatt70: NGC 5982, NGC 5985, NGC 5981 Galalxy Trio
dpatt70: Starfest 2016 timelapse
dpatt70: Milky Way
dpatt70: M45_The Pleiades
dpatt70: NGC 7129 widefield
dpatt70: Abell 2199 Galaxy Cluster second attempt
dpatt70: The Cave Nebula
dpatt70: Abell_347 Galaxy cluster
dpatt70: M31 M33_Widefield
dpatt70: Jones 1 and Quasar J233604.7+302355
dpatt70: Timelapse Nov 8 2015
dpatt70: G1 Aurora Nov 3rd 2015 2nd process
dpatt70: Milky Way disappearing in the moonlight
dpatt70: Taurid Meteor October 30 2015
dpatt70: NGC 7129