*thumper*: IMG_3138
*thumper*: IMG_3139
*thumper*: IMG_3141
*thumper*: IMG_3143
*thumper*: IMG_3148
*thumper*: IMG_3149
*thumper*: IMG_3150
*thumper*: IMG_3152
*thumper*: IMG_3155
*thumper*: IMG_3156
*thumper*: IMG_3157
*thumper*: IMG_3158
*thumper*: IMG_3163
*thumper*: blown tire
*thumper*: you will fix this tire or i'll...
*thumper*: IMG_3166
*thumper*: IMG_3176
*thumper*: IMG_3178
*thumper*: IMG_3179
*thumper*: IMG_3181
*thumper*: marta beckett
*thumper*: Dr. Doherty @ the Opera
*thumper*: 41 people. 1000 miles? Zero drama.
*thumper*: Nieves
*thumper*: IMG_3189
*thumper*: IMG_3194
*thumper*: this shot sums up the trip--kids of all ages, playing on the road to someplace fun
*thumper*: IMG_3196
*thumper*: IMG_3197
*thumper*: IMG_3198