tsbl2000: Drinker Moth (Euthrix potatoria) Caterpillar feeding
tsbl2000: Drinker moth caterpillar (Euthrix potatoria)
tsbl2000: Redstart (?)
tsbl2000: Broad bodied chaser (m)
tsbl2000: Identification please
tsbl2000: Identification please...
tsbl2000: Juvenile stonechat (?)
tsbl2000: Juvenile male great spotted woodpecker
tsbl2000: Juvenile great spotted woodpecker being fed today
tsbl2000: Juvenile male great spotted woodpecker
tsbl2000: Four spotted chaser (Explored)
tsbl2000: Azure Damselfly
tsbl2000: Azure Damselfly
tsbl2000: Large Red Damselfly
tsbl2000: Rove Beetle (adult) Staphylinus erythropterus
tsbl2000: Help with Identification please (Explored)
tsbl2000: Help with Identification please
tsbl2000: Brindled white spot moth
tsbl2000: Marsh or Bog Cotton with Grass spider (Tibellus oblongus)
tsbl2000: Pond Skater
tsbl2000: Wood ant
tsbl2000: Wild Orchid Ashdown Forest
tsbl2000: Broad Bodied Chaser (m)
tsbl2000: Large red damselfly
tsbl2000: Clouded Yellow
tsbl2000: Dartmoor Ponies at Old Lodge
tsbl2000: Small copper butterfly (Lycaena phlaeas)
tsbl2000: Silver Y Moth (Autographa gamma)
tsbl2000: Sunset over Ashdown Forest (Explored) 11500+ views, thank you all
tsbl2000: How did I get my hand this dirty?