Antje Schulte: Crescentspot and Buckeye
Antje Schulte: My next Valentine Card
Antje Schulte: Red-Shouldered Hawk
Antje Schulte: Spoonbill
Antje Schulte: Who am I?
Antje Schulte: Backlit vulture
Antje Schulte: Who am I?
Antje Schulte: Who am I?
Antje Schulte: Who am I?
Antje Schulte: Buckeye (Junonia coenia)
Antje Schulte: Alligator Hand
Antje Schulte: Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus)
Antje Schulte: Swamphen and duck friend
Antje Schulte: Spoonbill
Antje Schulte: Spoonbill
Antje Schulte: Woodstork
Antje Schulte: Vulture in front of the Royal Palm Ranger Station
Antje Schulte: A juvenile sneaking up on a cuddling pair
Antje Schulte: A juvenile sneaking up on a cuddling pair
Antje Schulte: Cuddling vultures
Antje Schulte: Cuddling vultures
Antje Schulte: A juvenile vulture
Antje Schulte: Vulture in front of the Royal Palm Ranger Station
Antje Schulte: Vulture in front of the Royal Palm Ranger Station
Antje Schulte: Vulture in front of the Royal Palm Ranger Station
Antje Schulte: Great blue heron
Antje Schulte: Vulture B&W
Antje Schulte: Cormorant with catch #2
Antje Schulte: Cormorant with catch #1