Robin M Morrison:
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer Stag, Quantock Hills, Somerset
Robin M Morrison:
Robin M Morrison:
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer Stag - Alfoxton, Quantock Hills
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer Stag - Quantock Hills
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer Group
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer Stag, Alfoxton
Robin M Morrison:
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer during Oct 2011 rut, edge of Quantock Hills
Robin M Morrison:
Young Stag
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer Stag on the Quantock Hills, Somerset
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer Stag on the Quantock Hills, Somerset
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer 2011_3
Robin M Morrison:
Young Stag - Holford
Robin M Morrison:
A word in your ear, Son!!!
Robin M Morrison:
Stag at rear
Robin M Morrison:
"Can't quite smell you...."
Robin M Morrison:
Just testing each other
Robin M Morrison:
A strong line up ......
Robin M Morrison:
Quantock Hills Red deer rut
Robin M Morrison:
Quantock Hills Red deer rut
Robin M Morrison:
Quantock Hills Red deer rut
Robin M Morrison:
Quantock Hills Red deer rut
Robin M Morrison:
Quantock Hills Red deer rut
Robin M Morrison:
Quantock Hills Red deer rut
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer hind - almost too close
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer hind - almost too close
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer Calf
Robin M Morrison:
Red Deer Calf