lisa_h: At the Wilmington train station, waiting for Obama
lisa_h: Lisa & Bob waiting for Obama in Wilmington
lisa_h: Cindy & Mom waiting for Obama
lisa_h: Alison happy to be in the cold
lisa_h: Cool kids
lisa_h: Flags again
lisa_h: The Awesomes! I mean Bidens
lisa_h: Joe Biden & his Amtrak buddy
lisa_h: JOE BIDEN!
lisa_h: There they are!
lisa_h: Figuring out where to go
lisa_h: Where we were - 3rd & Constitution
lisa_h: Victory!
lisa_h: Parade & Capitol
lisa_h: Where we were, 5 hours later
lisa_h: Lisa & Bob & Lit Up Capitol
lisa_h: Peeked Cap Sleepy Bob
lisa_h: Chicago Bobamicon!