JFtryall: Again!
JFtryall: Race schedule.
JFtryall: Summer snack.
JFtryall: Trailkiller 650b.
JFtryall: Presentation.
JFtryall: Chip.
JFtryall: Tessuti boys, preparing tubeless set-up.
JFtryall: Accomodation, cool.
JFtryall: Room.
JFtryall: After first day prologue.
JFtryall: Pavel´s great third place.
JFtryall: Drugs.
JFtryall: Day 1: Morning and Linedance.
JFtryall: Day 1: Donut, coffee, toast.
JFtryall: Day 1: Before start, no time!
JFtryall: Day 1: Handmade chip. :-)
JFtryall: Day 1: Finish! 6:18h.
JFtryall: Day 1: Some trouble.
JFtryall: Day 1: My number.
JFtryall: Day 1: Real enduro.
JFtryall: Day 1: Legs.
JFtryall: Day 1: Next work- cleaning :-(
JFtryall: Day 1: Trip.
JFtryall: Day 1: And food.
JFtryall: Day 1: Washing.
JFtryall: Day 1: DLP by AGang.
JFtryall: Day 1: Podium!
JFtryall: Day 1: Classic.
JFtryall: Day 1: It´s good.
JFtryall: Day 2: Morning and breakfast.