jquill70: The Gathering
jquill70: Lonely Velo
jquill70: IMGP1834
jquill70: First Rest Stop
jquill70: IMGP1843
jquill70: IMGP1837
jquill70: Could be tonight's dinner
jquill70: IMGP1842
jquill70: Oystermen
jquill70: IMGP1859
jquill70: IMGP1862
jquill70: 12 miles to go...
jquill70: Post-ride Fluid Replenishment
jquill70: Getting ready for the Oyster Roast
jquill70: Firing up the grills
jquill70: Roasting Oysters
jquill70: Waiting, waiting...
jquill70: Local Entertainment
jquill70: 100 Mile Route