efetherm: View from Cabrillo Beach
efetherm: Cabrillo Beach Pier
efetherm: Cabrillo Beach Pier
efetherm: Preparing to sein off Cabrillo Beach
efetherm: Baby halibut
efetherm: Baby halibut
efetherm: Seining off Cabrillo Beach
efetherm: Seining off Cabrillo Beach
efetherm: Halibut and grunion
efetherm: Grunion
efetherm: Halibut
efetherm: Seining off Cabrillo Beach
efetherm: Seining off Cabrillo Beach
efetherm: Egg mass
efetherm: Seining off Cabrillo Beach
efetherm: Seining off Cabrillo Beach
efetherm: Cool crab
efetherm: Small needlefish
efetherm: Small needlefish
efetherm: Sea urchin and snail
efetherm: Halibut
efetherm: Halibut
efetherm: Halibut
efetherm: Halibut
efetherm: Shrimp
efetherm: Mussels and tubes
efetherm: Live sand dollar
efetherm: Cool fish
efetherm: Cool fish
efetherm: Cool fish