efetherm: View of Boston from the Hyatt Regency
efetherm: View of Boston from the Hyatt Regency
efetherm: View of Boston from the Hyatt Regency
efetherm: Seafood dinner
efetherm: Quincy Market
efetherm: Faneuil Hall
efetherm: Quincy Market
efetherm: Faneuil Hall
efetherm: South Market
efetherm: Faneuil Hall
efetherm: Old State House
efetherm: View of Boston from the Hyatt Regency
efetherm: View of Boston from the Hyatt Regency
efetherm: Boston cream pie
efetherm: Boston Public Garden Pond
efetherm: Boston Public Garden Pond
efetherm: Boston Public Garden Pond
efetherm: George Washington statue in Boston Public Gardens
efetherm: Domestic goose
efetherm: Mute swan on Charles River
efetherm: Boston Public Garden Pond
efetherm: Boston Common at night
efetherm: Boston Common at night
efetherm: Boston Common and Park Street Church
efetherm: Massachusetts State House
efetherm: Ice skating on Frog Pond