efetherm: Ferns along the Fern Lake Trail
efetherm: Fern Lake Trail
efetherm: Gabletop Mounatin
efetherm: Snake on the boardwalk
efetherm: Big Thompson River
efetherm: Cool red flowers
efetherm: Fern Lake Trail
efetherm: The Pool on the Big Thompson River
efetherm: View up Forest Canyon
efetherm: Fern Creek
efetherm: Cool falls on Spruce Creek Creek
efetherm: Fern Lake Trail
efetherm: Fireweed and heartleaf arnica in the burned trees
efetherm: Fireweed and heartleaf arnica in the burned trees
efetherm: Fireweed in the burned trees
efetherm: Fern Falls
efetherm: Fern Falls
efetherm: Tiff at Fern Falls
efetherm: Me at Fern Falls
efetherm: Fireweed in the burned trees
efetherm: Fern Lake Trail
efetherm: Deer in the burn scar
efetherm: Deer in the burn scar
efetherm: Deer in the burn scar
efetherm: Notchtop and Little Matetrhorn above the Fern lake Trail
efetherm: Spruce Lake Trail
efetherm: Spruce Lake Trail
efetherm: Spruce Lake Trail
efetherm: Burn scar near Spruce Lake
efetherm: Spruce Lake Trail