efetherm: Start of the North Inlet Trail
efetherm: Tiff and I beginning our three day backpacking adventure
efetherm: Starting out on the North Inlet Trail
efetherm: North Inlet Trail
efetherm: Deer in the East Troublesome burn
efetherm: North Inlet Trail
efetherm: North Inlet
efetherm: North Inlet
efetherm: North Inlet
efetherm: Goldenrod and daisies
efetherm: Tiff on the North Inlet Trail
efetherm: Fireweed and harebells
efetherm: Spreading dogbane
efetherm: North Inlet Trail
efetherm: North Inlet Trail
efetherm: East Troublesome burn
efetherm: Pond with salamanders
efetherm: Pond with salamanders
efetherm: Spreading dogbane
efetherm: North Inlet
efetherm: Cascade Falls
efetherm: Cascade Falls
efetherm: Cascade Falls
efetherm: Cascade Falls
efetherm: North Inlet
efetherm: Twinflower
efetherm: Porcini mushroom
efetherm: Fireweed in the East Troublesome burn
efetherm: Fireweed in the East Troublesome burn
efetherm: Red columbine