efetherm: Sunrise as we get on the boat
efetherm: Sunrise as we get on the boat
efetherm: Matt, Tawni, Audrey and I on the boat
efetherm: Heading out
efetherm: Heading out
efetherm: Cat and I enjoying the views
efetherm: Me on the boat
efetherm: Sunrise from the boat
efetherm: Heading out
efetherm: Me and our guide
efetherm: Me and Matt watching for birds
efetherm: Me on the boat
efetherm: Me and Matt watching for birds
efetherm: Me and Matt watching for birds
efetherm: Tawni and Matt
efetherm: Cat and Audrey
efetherm: Birdwatching
efetherm: Heading out
efetherm: Rods ready for fishing
efetherm: Getting the poles ready
efetherm: Tawni helping set out the lines
efetherm: Rods ready for fishing
efetherm: Tawni reeling in an alewife
efetherm: Tawni reeling in an alewife
efetherm: Alewife!
efetherm: Tawni reeling in a striped bass
efetherm: Tawni's fish
efetherm: Measuring Tawni's fish
efetherm: Tawni with her striped bass
efetherm: Tawni with her striped bass