efetherm: Tiff and I starting our Glacier Gorge backpacking trip
efetherm: Glacier Gorge Trailhead
efetherm: Trail through the aspens
efetherm: Aspens changing colors
efetherm: Chaos Creek
efetherm: Tiff and I on the trail through the aspens
efetherm: IMG_5302
efetherm: Trail through the aspens
efetherm: Glacier Creek
efetherm: Alberta Falls
efetherm: Hike up to Mills Lake
efetherm: Intersection to Mills Lake
efetherm: Glacier Creek
efetherm: Sun through the tree
efetherm: Tiff crossing Glacier Creek
efetherm: Mills Lake
efetherm: Glacier Creek
efetherm: Glacier Creek
efetherm: Mills Lake
efetherm: Mills Lake
efetherm: Mills Lake
efetherm: Mills Lake
efetherm: Mills Lake
efetherm: Mills Lake
efetherm: Jewel Lake
efetherm: Boardwalk to Glacier Gorge campsite
efetherm: Intersection to the campsite
efetherm: Glacier Gorge campsite
efetherm: Camp at Glacier Gorge backcountry campsite
efetherm: Glacier Creek, the Spearhead and Chiefs Head Peak