efetherm: Sun blocked by clouds surrounding the crater
efetherm: Sun blocked by clouds surrounding the crater
efetherm: Couds starting to clear
efetherm: Sliding Sands map
efetherm: Start of the Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Summit of Haleakala
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Clouds in the crater
efetherm: Clouds in the crater
efetherm: Clouds in the crater
efetherm: Rare bushes along the trail
efetherm: Red and bue
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Clouds down in the crater
efetherm: Clouds down in the crater
efetherm: Clouds down in the crater
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Silversword
efetherm: Tiff on the Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Flowers and the trail
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Sliding Sands Trail
efetherm: Silversword in bloom
efetherm: Colors and clouds