efetherm: Driving up to Haleakala National Park
efetherm: Driving up to Haleakala National Park
efetherm: Haleakala observatory
efetherm: Haleakala weather station
efetherm: Haleakala observatory
efetherm: Clouds between Maui and the Big Island
efetherm: Observatory on Mauna Kea (Big Island)
efetherm: Observatory on Mauna Kea (Big Island)
efetherm: Haleakala observatory and view out to the Big Island
efetherm: Haleakala summit
efetherm: Clouds moving in over Haleakala Crater
efetherm: Clouds moving in over Haleakala Crater
efetherm: Clouds moving in over Haleakala Crater and Visitor Center
efetherm: Observatory on Mauna Kea (Big Island)
efetherm: Fluffy clouds
efetherm: Clouds moving in over Haleakala Crater
efetherm: Clouds moving in over Haleakala Crater
efetherm: Clouds moving in over Haleakala Crater
efetherm: Clouds moving in over Haleakala Crater
efetherm: Clouds moving in over Haleakala Crater