efetherm: Northern bedstraw
efetherm: Parry's bellflower
efetherm: Hiking through the burn
efetherm: Hiking through the burn
efetherm: Big mushrooms
efetherm: Green-flowered wintergreen
efetherm: Green-flowered wintergreen
efetherm: Colorado River
efetherm: Field of flowers and burned trees
efetherm: Field of flowers and burned trees
efetherm: Clustered penstemon
efetherm: Onahu Trail
efetherm: Goldenrod
efetherm: Onahu Creek
efetherm: Onahu Trail
efetherm: Onahu Trail
efetherm: Tiff on the Onahu Trail
efetherm: Monument plant
efetherm: Burn area
efetherm: Hiking through the burn
efetherm: Hiking through the burn
efetherm: Elephanthead
efetherm: Hiking through the burn
efetherm: Onahu Trail
efetherm: Onahu Trailhead