efetherm: Elk in Estes Park
efetherm: Lily Lake
efetherm: Lily Lake, Estes Cone, and Long's Peak in the clouds
efetherm: Lily Lake, Estes Cone, and Long's Peak in the clouds
efetherm: Lily Lake, Estes Cone, and Long's Peak in the clouds
efetherm: Lily Lake
efetherm: Lily Lake
efetherm: Aspen Brook/neighborhood spur trail
efetherm: View into Rocky Mountain National Park
efetherm: Tiff on the trail
efetherm: Aspen Brook/neighborhood spur trail
efetherm: Aspen Brook
efetherm: Rams Horn Mountain
efetherm: Heading towards the neighborhood
efetherm: Entering Rocky Mountain National Park
efetherm: Tiff on the Aspen Brook Trail
efetherm: Aspen Brook
efetherm: Aspen Brook Trail
efetherm: Aspen Brook Trail
efetherm: Bridge over Aspen Brook
efetherm: Lily Lake from Lily Ridge
efetherm: Lily Lake from Lily Ridge
efetherm: Lily Lake from Lily Ridge
efetherm: Tiff on the Lily Lake bridge