efetherm: Chipping sparrows
efetherm: Chipping sparrows and dark-eyed junco
efetherm: Chipping sparrows
efetherm: Chipping sparrow
efetherm: Eastern gray squirrel
efetherm: Carolina chickadee
efetherm: Eastern bluebird
efetherm: Eastern bluebird
efetherm: Northern cardinal
efetherm: Northern cardinal
efetherm: White-breasted nuthatch
efetherm: White-breasted nuthatch
efetherm: White-breasted nuthatch
efetherm: White-breasted nuthatch
efetherm: White-breasted nuthatch
efetherm: Chipping sparrow
efetherm: Chipping sprrows on the feeder
efetherm: Red-bellied woodpecker
efetherm: Carolina chickadee
efetherm: Yellow-rumped warbler
efetherm: Dark-eyed juncos and chipping sparrows
efetherm: Great-crested flycatcher
efetherm: Northern mockingbird
efetherm: Northern mockingbird
efetherm: Northern mockingbird
efetherm: Northern mockingbird
efetherm: Northern mockingbird
efetherm: Northern mockingbird
efetherm: Northern mockingbird
efetherm: Eastern bluebird