efetherm: Monticello
efetherm: Monticello
efetherm: Monticello
efetherm: Monticello and the pond
efetherm: Monticello
efetherm: Thomas Jefferson;s flower garden
efetherm: Monticello from the flower garden
efetherm: Echinacea
efetherm: Hibiscus
efetherm: Hibiscus
efetherm: Yellow swallowtail
efetherm: Black swallowtail
efetherm: Tiger striped flowers
efetherm: Monticello
efetherm: Monochrome Monticello
efetherm: Monticello
efetherm: The flower garden
efetherm: The slave quarters
efetherm: The Monticello vegetable garden
efetherm: The gate on the Jefferson family graveyard
efetherm: The Jefferson family graveyard
efetherm: Thomas Jefferson's grave