efetherm: Bag End and the Party Tree across The Water
efetherm: Bag End and the Party Tree across The Water
efetherm: The Party Tree reflecting in The Water
efetherm: The Green Dragon
efetherm: The Green Dragon bar
efetherm: Inside the Green Dragon Inn
efetherm: View out the window of the Green Dragon Inn
efetherm: The Old Mill of Hobbiton
efetherm: Crossing The Water to the Green Dragon Inn
efetherm: Crossing The Water to the Green Dragon Inn
efetherm: Southfarthing Fine Ale barrel
efetherm: The Green Dragon Inn across The Water
efetherm: Samwise Gamgee’s home
efetherm: Bag End from the Party Field
efetherm: Bag End
efetherm: Bag End
efetherm: Bag End
efetherm: The Green Dragon Inn and Sam's house
efetherm: The Green Dragon Inn and Sam's house
efetherm: The Shire
efetherm: The extra Hobbit homes (in case the camera panned that far)
efetherm: Bag End from above the Frog Pond
efetherm: Hobbit home
efetherm: Hobbit home
efetherm: Hobbit chess
efetherm: The Party Tree
efetherm: The gardens and Bag End
efetherm: Hobbit home
efetherm: Hobbit home
efetherm: Bag End