efetherm: White-faced heron
efetherm: White-faced heron
efetherm: Red knot and banded dotterel
efetherm: Red knot, banded dotterel, and masked lapwing
efetherm: Bar-tailed godwit
efetherm: Bar-tailed godwits, pied stilts, and masked lapwing
efetherm: Bar-tailed godwits, pied stilts, masked lapwing, and golden-plover
efetherm: Pied stilts, south island pied oystercatchers, and Caspian terns
efetherm: Masked lapwing with banded dotterels and red knots
efetherm: Masked lapwing with banded dotterels and red knots
efetherm: Bar-tailed godwits and pied stilts