Dice.com: Dwane Lay hangin' at #TalentNet
Dice.com: One of the many karaoke performances
Dice.com: The #DiceUnlimited Rockstar party gets going
Dice.com: Look who stopped by the #DiceUnlimited party
Dice.com: "You ain't nothing but a hound dog!"
Dice.com: One of the #DiceUnlimited Rockstars gives Elvis a hand
Dice.com: Elvis rocks it out
Dice.com: This performance is a hit with the #DiceUnlimited crowd
Dice.com: One rockstar helps out another
Dice.com: Elvis is in the building
Dice.com: the band rockin at #TalentNet
Dice.com: Backstage at the #DiceUnlimited Rockstar Party
Dice.com: "Life is a highway!"
Dice.com: A sea of rockstars
Dice.com: The Dice team gets in on the action
Dice.com: The Dice team hangin at #TalentNet