Velvet Android: Tongariro dawn
Velvet Android: Dawn, Tongariro National Park
Velvet Android: Dawn Ruapehu
Velvet Android: Ngauruhoe & Ruapehu
Velvet Android: Mt Tongariro & Mt Ngauruhoe
Velvet Android: Mt Ruapehu
Velvet Android: Tongariro Crossing - the start
Velvet Android: Sunrise, beginning of the Tongariro Crossing
Velvet Android: The easy first section up the valley
Velvet Android: Smmoth and flat across the Mangatepopo Saddle
Velvet Android: Mangatepopo Saddle to Ngauruhoe
Velvet Android: Ngauruhoe from Mangatepopo Saddle
Velvet Android: The Devil's Staircase and Mt Ngauruhoe
Velvet Android: Halfway up the Devil's Staircase
Velvet Android: Ngauruhoe from the top of the Devil's Staircase
Velvet Android: View west from top of the Devil's Staircase
Velvet Android: Base of Ngauruhoe cone
Velvet Android: Mount Doom
Velvet Android: Flat and easy again across the South Crater
Velvet Android: South Crater to the Red Crater Ridge
Velvet Android: South Crater
Velvet Android: Base of the Red Crater Ridge
Velvet Android: Up the Red Crater Ridge
Velvet Android: Mount Doom
Velvet Android: Red Crater from the Ridge
Velvet Android: Ngauruhoe from top of the Red Crater Ridge
Velvet Android: Me and Mount Doom :)
Velvet Android: The Red Crater from the top of the Ridge
Velvet Android: Peak of the Red Crater Ridge and Ngauruhoe
Velvet Android: Sophie, Mel & Liz atop the Red Crater Ridge